3 Year Old Curriculum
In our three year old program, socialization continues to be an important part of the day. The children spend part of the day engaged in free play which will allow them to continue to explore their environment, learn about sharing, taking turns, cooperation, following rules, adjusting to new routines, and making friends.
The core Language Arts program is introduced to the children at this age. It is an integrated program which teaches phonics and letter sound awareness using puppets, big books, storybooks and fun learning activities. The letters are always introduced during circle time as well as concepts such as calendar and weather. Our 3 year olds are introduced to proper pencil/crayon grasp, cutting skills and letter formation.
During Math we explore everyday objects to encourage the understanding of mathematical concepts such as rote counting, recognizing numbers 1-10, 1-1 correspondence, estimating, more or less, classifying and comparing, etc.
An art project will be created daily. This project corresponds to what the children are learning in class. Many opportunities
to explore various art materials are presented. Additionally, gym and playground activities are a part of each day. This will help to
strengthen the children’s gross motor skills. All students
participate in music and movement activities to help stimulate
their imagination.